Friday, April 11, 2008

04-April-08 Politeness

As you will find, Brits are extremely polite. And nothing more exemplifies this than driving or waiting in lines (queuing up). People are patient, there is no honking, no shoving in lines, no yelling at people (unless they are drunk in or leaving the pub). It's almost surreal. You do have the odd exception, but rare. Perhaps this is more noticeable in Bournemouth, it's difficult to see this in London as there are so many worldly travellers there that it's not solely a British population you encounter.

Even if you pose a problem to a Brit, they will apologize and say it's not a problem, but underneath the exterior, they may be fuming mad.

In personal dealings, they are persistent, but the tone is not raised, there are no swear words exchanged, and they both acknowledge their own shortcomings, but in most cases, they still don't back down. They will keep at it and defer this issue to something else. But even if they take fault for a problem, it doesn't necessarily that they agree or will do anything to make up for it. It only means that they acknowledge fault.

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