Monday, April 14, 2008

11-Apr-08 The Post Office

There are several post offices in the various neighborhoods. If I recall, they all have a little red sign with yellow lettering saying “Royal Post”. In most cases, it is a small work area at the back of another store, such as a convenience store. Similar in the US, you go up to them and provide your letters and packages for mailing, they apply the stamps and send them for you. You also drop your letters off at these locations, there are no mail collection boxes throughout the city. And if you have a package being delivered to you and you’re not home, they will leave a message where you can pick it up. They will not leave it on your doorstep. I have noticed that mail sent within the UK is actually quite efficient (granted, it is less space to cover than the US).

When sending mail to an address in the UK, you really only need 2 things……the apartment and street address and the post code. The post code is not all-numeric as in the US (60601), it uses both letters and numbers. For example, a post code could be BH1 AA1. The BH refers to Bournemouth area, 1 refers to the area around the city centre, and AA1 is more specific, down to just 1 or 2 streets. If you know someone’s post code, you can usually find within 1 or 2 streets where the live.

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