Monday, April 14, 2008

10-April-08 Shop Hours

It is frustrating that, unless I can get away from work in the middle of the day, I will only be able to visit most stores on a Saturday. Most of the little stores (aside from the few large grocery stores and major chains) are open 8:30-5:30 Monday to Friday, and then either 9am or 10am until 5pm or 6pm on Saturday. And practically everything is closed on Sundays. I know there are more exceptions to this in London, but many of the top stores in London are even closed Sundays.

And if you want to go to McDonald’s or Burger King for a breakfast, they don’t open until 9am here. And if you want to get a coffee before 8am on the weekend, you might need to make it yourself. You can find places open, but just not where you’d prefer to get one.

I’ve always thought that the Austrians were the most sensible about this. They open their stores around 8am, close down from noon-1:30pm for lunch and a beer, then open back up and stay open until 6pm.

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